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To my cherish customer who loves Evantai's designed weapons:
Thank you for your understand about:
- Evantai's products is just for training propose and non-bladed tools ( Polymer material ).

- Products are handmade by Guro Evan Tai which will take around 1-2 months to finish your order.

- Handmade product is never perfect and different between product to product in same style.

- Shipping cost will be charged to purchaser and will quote shipping cost separately depends on destination.

- To avoid custom issue, very important to check and confirm your country regulation if toy weapons are allowed to import. No retune or return goods base on custom clearance issue.

致親愛的客戶,感謝對 Evantai 產品一直的支持,訂購前請理解以下事項
​- Evantai 的產品只供練習用途,練習刀並沒有開封 ( Polymer 塑膠材料 )
- 產品全由 EVAN TAI 人手製造,訂造時間需時大約 2 個月。
- 每件產品因手造的關係,可能會有瑕疵或不完美的部份。
- 所有的費用不包含海外運費,運費視符國家及地區而定。
- 請資咨及確認閣下國家的海關部門是否能進口相關之沒有開封的塑膠練習刀或刀款形狀的玩具刀。
- 貨品出售後將不接受退款、退貨或換貨。

How To Purchase Your Order?

- Basic Combo ( Step 1 + Step 2 )
- Full Set Combo ( Step 1  + Step 2 + Step 3  )

Choose Your Knife

Step 1

Choose The Color Of Rope

Upgrade With A Sheath


Euro 48-60 / US 52-66

Euro (Free)

Euro 37 / US 40

Step 2

Step 3

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