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馬來武術班 ~ "傳統文化"
Pencak Silat ~ Traditional Culture

馬來武術 SILAT 於2019年在聯合國正式列入非物質文化遺產。本會教授的課程內容以技擊手法、套路及散手對拆等動作訓練。學員透過練習,並了解套路當中的傳統技擊文化和哲學。

Silat - Inscribed in 2019 on the representative list of The Intangible Cultural Heritage (UNESCO)

SCTM course included Jurus & Empty Hands Techniques for the knowledge of traditional theory and philosophy. 

菲律賓魔杖班 ~ "棍術哲學"
Filipino Martial Arts


"Kali"has its nickname as "magic stick". When it moves, it looks like a magical stick with beautiful effects.

Repeating practice is necessary, no matter by the hitting angle, defense route, speed mastering, the power of left and right hands, disarm skills and locking skills. 

  To create a "self-kali-style", the guidance of "conceptual system" is the most important element. 

菲律賓魔拳擊 ~ "自衛技擊"
Panantukan / Dirty Boxing


Panantukan is not a sport, but rather a street-oriented fighting system. The techniques have not been adapted for safety or conformance to a set of rules for competition, thus it has a reputation as "dirty street fighting". It mainly consists of upper-body striking techniques such as punches, kicks, elbows, knee, headbutts, shoulder strikes and limb destruction and take down etc.

CQC 自衛衛 ~ "近身防衛"
Close Quarter Combat

CQC 自衛術練習主要短刀和短棍防禦、對應不同的解鎖方法、拳腳應用、了解人體脆弱位置及穴位、工具的使用:摺刀、電筒、筆、腰帶等防衛工具。

Self-defense training focus on :  Defend against knife attacks from above or below, Free yourself from all kinds of restraints - strangulation, front, side and back, Active use of hands and feet, Defend attackers with stick or batons, Combat on the ground and on the floor, Learn vulnerable body points and pressure points, Weapons used : knife, torch, pen, belt etc.

魔杖搏擊班 ~ "競技運動"
KALI SPARRING ~ Fighting Sport


This class mainly focus on Kali stick & knife for sparring. Through the training students will learn the distance control, power, body coordination, rhythm and fitness which are helping students to reach to the best level. All students should prepare 100% full gear protection for safety issue.

Southeast Asia Weapons Combatives

課程內容先由:單棍->  短刀-> 手法-> 虎爪刀-> 考試->紗籠-> 棍+短刀-> 雙棍-> 長刀+盾-> 考試->斧頭-> 長矛-> 進級考試。先完成所有項目之級別一以循環形式教學到級別三,能確保學員深入了解馬來武術和菲律賓武術的各樣特質。課程每階段將進行考核試,合格學員將頒發相關證書。

Our training training class focus Single stick, Combat Knife, Empty Hands, Karambit --> Examination-->Sarong, Espada y Daga, Double Sticks, Sword & Shield --> Examination --> Tomahawk & Spear --> Level Final Exam. The cycle training mode helps students to understand & acknowledge all the forms of Malay & Filipino Martial Arts. Subject change every 8 classes.

Level System
( 8 Classes Per Item ) 

- Kali Single Stick (Level 1 - Level 3)
- Combat Knife (Level 1 - Level 3)
- Empty Hands (Level 1 - Level 3)
- Karambit (Level 1 - Level 3)

- Examination
- Sarong (Level 1 - Level 3)
- Espada y Daga (Level 1 - Level 3)
- Kali Double Sticks (Level 1 - Level 3)
- Shield & Sword (Level 1 - Level 3)

- Examination
- Tomahawk (Level 1 - Level 3)
- Sibat / Spear (Level 1 - Level 3)

- Level Final Examination

.Certificate will be issue to the student who pass the level final examination.

( 以八堂完成一個項目 )

- 菲律賓魔杖單棍 (級別一至級別三)
- 短刀 (級別一至級別三)
- 馬來和菲律賓手法 (級別一至級別三)
- 虎爪刀 (級別一至級別三)

- 考試
- 紗籠 (級別一至級別三)
- 棍和短刀 (級別一至級別三)
- 菲律賓魔杖雙棍 (級別一至級別三)
- 戰盾和長刀 (級別一至級別三)

- 考試
- 斧頭 (級別一至級別三)
- 長矛 (級別一至級別三)

- 級別考試


Contact Us

 Whatsapp: +852 91530884



Rm 1708,17/F, Metro Centre Phase 1,

32, Lam Hing St ,  Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong

九龍灣臨興街 32 號 美羅中心一期 17 樓 08 室

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